I joined Pay Per Post…..just waiting for my 90 days

I joined Pay per Post tonight. I’ve been reading about them for a while now and have even read blogs of many of their members. I’ve emailed with a few of them and have included mast_top_intro.JPGlinks to their blogs on my second page (check them out here). Now I just wish that I had started my blog a long time ago so I could start making money. My blog will turn 90 days old on November 27 and hopefully I’ll have more readers by then. Currently I have around 25 views a day. Thank you to all of you guys who have added me to your blogroll. I look forward to chatting with you in the forums.

One response to “I joined Pay Per Post…..just waiting for my 90 days

  1. Hiya,
    Mohan over from BlogForPeace here… I’m a fellow PPP member too 🙂 I got your blog while looking through my referrals! Thanks for the link!

    I’ll link back to you soon. By the way, good luck for completing 90 days… 🙂

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